What Is Kaiser Insurance?

Kaiser Insurance is Kaiser long term healthcare provided by Kaiser Internation Health Group, Inc. Kaiser International Health Group, Inc. is a registered health care service provider.

Kaiser is far more than an HMO. While other HMOs serve both group and individual accounts, Kaiser is designed to address the long-term care needs of individuals – especially following their employment and retirement years. It is the only health care company in the Philippines that provides long-term HMO.

Kaiser-LTC is a 3-in-1 health savings program that addresses the three fundamental needs of Filipinos: Investment, Life Insurance, and Healthcare.

What are the benefits of Kaiser insurance?

Kaiser Insurance offers numerous benefits, including comprehensive coverage for basic medical needs, access to accredited hospitals and doctors, annual physical examinations, optional dental benefits, special and extended healthcare services, long-term care benefits, and yearly healthcare hospital benefit limits. These advantages ensure members receive high-quality, coordinated, and cost-effective healthcare tailored to their individual needs.

Kaiser Insurance, provided by Kaiser Health Groups, offers a range of benefits designed to meet diverse healthcare needs. Here are the specific benefits of Kaiser Insurance, including coverage for basic medical needs, accredited hospitals and doctors, annual physical examinations, dental benefits, special and extended benefits, long-term care benefits, and yearly healthcare hospital benefit limits:

1. Basic Medical Needs

Comprehensive Coverage: Kaiser Insurance covers a wide array of basic medical needs, including primary care, specialty care, emergency services, hospitalizations, and outpatient services.

Preventive Services: Coverage includes preventive care services like vaccinations, screenings, and routine checkups to help maintain overall health and catch potential issues early.

2. Accredited Hospitals and Doctors

High-Quality Care: Kaiser Permanente’s hospitals and healthcare providers are accredited by respected organizations, ensuring high standards of care.

Integrated Network: The integrated healthcare system includes accredited hospitals, clinics, and medical offices, staffed by board-certified doctors and specialists who are part of the Permanente Medical Groups.

3. Annual Physical Examination

Routine Checkups: Annual physical examinations are included, helping to monitor health, detect any changes early, and provide necessary interventions.

Personalized Care Plans: During annual exams, doctors can develop personalized care plans tailored to individual health needs and goals.

4. Dental Benefits

Optional Dental Plans: Kaiser offers optional dental plans that cover routine dental care, including cleanings, exams, X-rays, fillings, and other dental procedures.

Comprehensive Dental Care: Some plans may include coverage for more extensive dental services such as crowns, bridges, and orthodontics.

5. Special and Extended Benefits

Specialty Care: Access to a wide range of specialists without needing referrals in many cases, ensuring timely and efficient care for specific health issues.

Mental Health Services: Comprehensive mental health and behavioral health services, including therapy, counseling, and support groups.

Wellness Programs: Programs focused on wellness and prevention, including weight management, smoking cessation, and fitness programs.

6. Long-Term Care Benefits

Chronic Disease Management: Programs designed to help manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and asthma with ongoing support and care plans.

Long-Term Care Options: Coverage may include long-term care services such as home health care, skilled nursing care, and hospice care, depending on the plan.

7. Yearly Healthcare Hospital Benefit Limit

Coverage Limits: Kaiser plans typically outline yearly limits on out-of-pocket expenses, ensuring that once these limits are reached, the plan covers 100% of eligible medical costs.

Transparent Costs: Predictable costs for services with fixed co-pays and no deductibles for many services, making it easier for members to manage their healthcare expenses.


Kaiser International Healthgroup, Inc. is an actuarially-sound, product-based business. It brings together the best features of an HMO, Health Savings Plan, and a financial investment.

  • An innovative program, the first of it's kind in the country;
  • Guarantees long-term care even after the age of sixty when the client has only himself to rely on;
  • Healthcare coverage, savings, emergency fund, and insurance rolled into one;
  • An accumulative, self-earning investment that comes with Return of Payment for non-utilization in the first seven (7) years of coverage;
  • A portable account! Even if you change or lose jobs, your plan and funds stay with you;
  • A four-way insurance coverage:
  1. Term Life
  2. Accidental death and dismemberment
  3. Waiver of installment due to death
  4. Waiver of installment due to permanent and total disability;
  • Outpatient benefits, annual physical examinations and dental coverage;
  • Coverage is for individuals but can be installed in companies as a health savings salary deduction program;
  • No exclusions from 8th year onward;
  • Flexible, Upgradeable within 30 days ;
  • Annual lifetime healthcare benefits from years 8 to 20 accumulate with interest in a "Health Savings Account"
  • "Health Savings Account" earn interest beyond 20 years.
  • Benefits can be used up to any age.
  • Payable in 7 years only with fixed rates for the entire paying period;
  • Issue age up to 60, but coverability extends after 60; and,
  • Reinstatement can be done within 2 years after lapsed policy.

Is Kaiser Health Insurance Legit?

Yes, Kaiser Health Insurance is a legitimate health insurance provider with a strong reputation in the industry. Kaiser Health Group is a well-established healthcare organization that offers a wide range of health insurance plans to individuals and families. They have been operating for several decades and are known for their comprehensive coverage options and quality healthcare services.

Kaiser Health Group is healthcare provider, which means they have their own network of hospitals, clinics, and doctors. This integrated approach allows for more coordinated care and better outcomes for patients. Customers who choose Kaiser Health Insurance can access a variety of medical services under one roof, making it convenient and efficient for managing their healthcare needs. 

Overall, Kaiser Health Insurance is considered a reliable and reputable option for those seeking comprehensive health coverage.


In a significant move towards enhancing healthcare benefits for its employees, Supreme has announced its partnership with Kaiser Healthgroup as the HMO provider for all court personnel. This collaboration promises to bring comprehensive and accessible healthcare services to the dedicated workforce that supports our judicial system.
Kaiser Healthgroup's reputation for delivering excellent care through a wide network of providers ensures that every court employee will have access to top-notch medical services, promoting overall wellness and job satisfaction.

Kaiser Healthgroup is lauded for its stability and trustworthiness in the healthcare industry, consistently ranking highly in patient satisfaction and outcomes. With decades of experience behind it, the organization has built a robust infrastructure that provides seamless healthcare experiences.

Their integrated model of delivery—combining clinical excellence with efficient administrative processes—ensures minimal disruptions and maximum convenience for all members. This stability is crucial in maintaining uninterrupted service for the demanding schedules of court employees.

By partnering with such a reputable provider as Kaiser Healthgroup, Supreme demonstrates its commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of its staff. This decision not only underscores Supreme's dedication to maintaining a supportive work environment but also reflects prudent management by investing in reliable healthcare solutions.

As court employees take on pivotal roles in upholding justice, they can now do so with the assurance that their health needs are being met by one of the most dependable entities in the field.


The KAISER Long-Term Healthcare is a 3-in-1 product



1. Term Life

2. Accidental death and dismemberment

3. Waiver of installment due to death

4. Waiver of installment due to permanent and total disability


Short -Term and Long -Term Medical Needs


Annual lifetime healthcare benefits from years 8th to 20th accumulate with interest in a "Health Savings Account" which can earn interest beyond 20 years. 


This is the phase where the plan holder is made to save for 7 years only.

During this period, the plan holder gets to enjoy the following benefits and privileges:

✔️ Annual Physical Exam (APE)

✔️ Basic Dental Benefits

✔️ Waiver of installments due to death

✔️ Waiver of installments due to disability

✔️ Basic Medical Benefits

✔️ Term Life Insurance for 20 years

✔️ Earn dividends on your contributions (starting on the 2nd year)

✔️ Member’s choice of room and board

✔️ Annual Benefit Limit In-Patient Care or Hospitalization Benefit (starting at 50,000 per year depending on the plan)

During this period, pre-existing conditions are not covered. This is to protect the healthy plan holders and the company.


During this phase, you no longer pay for your Kaiser LTC.

✔️ At this stage, your health funds (plus the accumulated dividends from the Saving Period), are strategically invested in the Stock Market (thru Mutual Funds). Thus, empowering your investment to grow at an average rate of 10% per annum.

✔️ Your medical benefits are basically similar to those in the Paying Period---but this time, payments for medical-related expenses shall be taken cared of by your available funds under compounding or accumulation.

✔️ You get additional health benefits

✔️ VISA Card shall be issued after completion of 7-year contribution

✔️ Term Life Insurance for 20 years (starting at the accumulation period up to the end of extended period)

✔️ Accidental Death and Dismemberment for 20 years (starting at the accumulation period up to the end of extended period)

The plan holder no longer needs to contribute in his account but just have to wait for its maturity. The funds inside Kaiser are invested in mutual funds handled by one of the top investment companies in the Philippines. 


Upon Maturity of your Kaiser LTC, you will enjoy the following benefits:

✔️ Total accumulation of unused health benefits

✔️ LongTermCare Benefit

✔️ LongTermCare Bonus (Up to 85% of return on premium contributed when there are no claims from hospitalization during the Paying Period)

✔️Your health funds shall be as good as cash!

✔️You now have 3 options: Withdraw all your money (option to close your LTC account with Kaiser International); Withdraw a portion of your matured funds; or Let your funds be fully invested with Kaiser to serve as your lifetime healthcare fund and retirement money.

✔️ Whatever amount that remains in your Kaiser LTC health fund shall continue to grow at a guaranteed rate of 6-10% per annum.

Upon age 60 or 65 (if Plan is already matured), the person can then decide to convert it as pension type example getting the annual interest only per year, or withdraw it all as lump sum retirement fund.

Eligibility & Pre-Computed Plans

You should be 10 to 60 years old to avail.

All Filipinos can avail, even OFWs.

You can avail even if you have existing illness and it will be subject for approval.


Kaiser accedited hospitals are, Makati Med, St Lukes, Philippine Heart Center, PGH, NKTI, Asian Hospital and Medical Center and many more. To view the list of hospitals, clinics and dentists, use the button below. 

Are You Ready to Choose Kaiser As Your Long-term HMO Provider?

Get in touch! We're here for you...

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San Jose Del Mote City
